Let's start enJOYing life in real life
...not just in selfies.
Terms of Use
All content shared in the Joy Society Membership Community is for personal use only. External sharing of member profile information, lead generation materials, or private downloads are forbidden. Selling, plagiarizing, or circumventing security measures to steal content is also forbidden.
The Joy Society is protected from legal disputes regarding disagreeable opinions expressed by members within the community. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act expressly protects the Joy Society from legal disputes resulting from third-party user-generated content.
Once content is submitted to the Joy Society Membership Community, it becomes property of the community, not solely the member nor the organization, but all those with a vested interest. By contributing content to the Joy Society, members grant a royalty-free and irrevocable right to the Joy Society to publish, distribute or revise that content (with exception to the disclosure of personal or private information).
Content largely represents the collective work of individuals with varied backgrounds, viewpoints, and ideologies. In choosing to use the Joy Society Membership Community, members acknowledge that instances of extreme disagreement might arise. While these instances should not be viewed as a personal attack or cause contention between members, grievances can occur. These Terms of Use reinforce that the Joy Society cannot be held liable for disputes resulting from content posted.
For more information about appropriate behavior within the community, please see the Joy Society Community Guidelines. These Terms of Use emphasize that members are fully responsible for any negative actions resulting from their contributions. The Joy Society has no obligation to review content before it is submitted, but may edit or remove content if it is deemed to violate community guidelines, to disobey laws or regulations, or to put into question the integrity of the Joy Society or its members.
The Joy Society has no obligation to mediate or resolve disputes between community members. Joy Society administrators reserve the right to act under their own discretion, whether it be taking an active role in a disagreement, modifying or deleting content, or removing the offending individuals’ access to the community altogether.